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St Luke's Church, Maidenhead
Welcome to St Luke's Church, your parish church.
Here at St Luke's we are an inclusive and broad Anglican church with strong links to our community. We seek to learn and grow in faith together, serve Maidenhead and share the love of God. For whatever reason you come, you can be sure of a warm welcome to share in this journey of faith with us.
Safeguarding matters to us. Our Safeguarding Policy and Safer Church details can be viewed here
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We offer worship both in church and online
Every Sunday 10 am Holy Communion in church and on zoom.
This link will work for all 10 am Sunday services:
Meeting ID: 873 5819 7400
Passcode: 526076
We look forward to welcoming you to your parish church.
Download a welcome leaflet here
Please click here for the latest detailed update from St. Lukes, where you can also access previous notice sheets.
Life Events: we love to welcome people to church for special moments in life - Christenings, Weddings, Funerals, Blessings and other times too. Do contact Revd. Sally or the Parish Office to find out more. Please leave your telephone number with your email or phone message.
We are delighted to have achieved the Silver Eco church award. Click on the button above to find out more
St. Luke’s Baby and Toddler Group, Thursday mornings during term time, 9.30am-11am. £1.50 per family, no need to book. Details here:
Please email Revd. Sally to be added to the B&T What's App group
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Why not join us for Zoom Morning Prayer Tuesday - Saturday .
Meeting ID: 814 5909 0925
Passcode: 180609
Orders of service can be found here
We share Sundays at Six, our evening worship, with All Saints and the Church of the Good Shepherd, Cox Green. Details of January - July 2025 can be found here
Please use the Sunday morning zoom link.
Sunday rota for January to March 2025.
Do check the rota for readers, intercessors, coffee makers and welcomers.
You can find a copy of our most recent annual bulletin which contains the annual report, summary accounts and church life reports here.
Messy Church: The next Messy Church is on the 7th March, Mary Magdalene, from 4.00-5.30pm. £2 per child. All welcome. Craft, Worship and a 2 course tea. Please email the office at admin@stlukeschurchmaidenhead.org.uk to book places.
Click for dates and details of the monthly themes for 2025
Pram Service: a simple service of songs and story for ages 0-4 and their carers. Followed by coffee for adults, snacks and crafts for little ones. Second Friday, 9.30am - 10.30am. Next one 14th March.
Prayer Shawl ministry, we have a ministry to knit, crochet or sew shawls for those who are sick, sad or celebrating. The shawls / blankets will wrap people up in our prayers. To find out more, and for a pattern, click here. We meet in church to knit on the fourth Thursday of each month - and we knit at home at any time!
Safeguarding matters to us. Our Safeguarding Policy and Safer Church details can be viewed here
For information about financial giving to St. Luke's, click here. Direct Payment details
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2025 Weekly Sheets
2024 Weekly Sheets
Latest News
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