Christmas Tree Festival 2024, 6th - 8th December
We had a wonderful Christmas Tree Festival, thank you to everyone who decorated and sponsored a tree, helped or visited over the weekend.
Many people commented on how lovely the whole event was and how beautiful the church looked with all the trees. As usual, we really did represent a microcosm of the whole community with such a variety of trees and all really thoughtful.
We are delighted that, from the tree voting boxes, we will be sending £4900 to Thames Valley Heartbeat. Thanks to the team there who came and spoke about their work at our closing service on Sunday. We have also raised much needed money for church funds from refreshments, donations, the craft / produce stall and the raffle.
I can now reveal that the tree voted ‘best dressed’ in church was the tree decorated by the Alexander Devine Children’s Hospice, for the second year running. Many congratulations to their volunteers.
The immediate runners up were, in order: TVAP: Teddies take over the Thames Valley Adventure Playground, Thames Hospice, Claremont and Holyport Practice, Nursing Team, Sing, Choirs of Angels", The Wellbeing Tree (Maidenhead United Community Trust , Guess the Film by Craft Coop, Pines Veterinary Clinic, Christians against poverty, and If you want a better world you can make it. Well done everyone!
Visit our Christmas Tree Festival website to see all the trees