Being a Christian

For adults interested in finding out about what being a Christian means we offer a variety of options. Do have a chat with the vicar to decide what suits you best. It may be an individual meeting with a mentor/supporter, or a course.

Confirmation is making your baptism promises for yourself and we can talk with you about how to do this. 

We also offer mini courses studying specific topics - e.g. the Eucharist, a synoptic gospel, prayer. During Lent we generally study a set book. These courses typically run for 4 - 6 weeks, taking 60 - 90 minutes per weekly session.

There are a number of parishioners who study the BRF daily bible notes and they get together as a group to exchange thoughts and ideas.

For more details on any of these courses and to find out when the next group is meeting visit our calendar page or contact our church office.

A nurture leaflet will also be available very soon giving details of all we offer as we seek to grow in our faith.

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